- 学位 :
- Ph.D.
- 卒業 :
- 東京大学 [1976(昭和51)]
- 修了 :
- 東京大学大学院修士課程 [1978(昭和53)]
- 米国ノースウェスタン大学大学院博士課程 [1983(昭和58)]
- 岩熊哲夫,斉木功,藤本真明,せん断抵抗則に着目した2種類の基本的な亜弾性モデルの特性,
土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),土木学会,Vol.73, pp.22-33, 2017.
- K. Koyama, S. Katano, I. Saiki and T. Iwakuma,
A modification of the Mori-Tanaka estimate of average elastoplastic
behavior of composites and polycrystals with interfacial debonding,
Mechanics of Materials, Vol.43, pp.538-555, 2011.
- 片野俊一,斉木功,小山茂,岩熊哲夫,ハイブリッド複合材料の
応用力学論文集,土木学会,Vol.12, pp.299-310, 2009.
- 小山茂,片野俊一,大上俊之,岩熊哲夫,複合材料や多結晶金属の
土木学会論文集A, Vol.64, pp.121-132, 2008.
- T. Iwakuma and K. Koyama,
An estimate of average elastic moduli of composites and polycrystals,
Mechanics of Materials, Vol.37, pp.459-472, 2005.
- H. Gotou, T. Kuwataka, T. Nishihara and T. Iwakuma,
Finite displacement analysis using rotational degrees of freedom
about three right-angled axes,
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.4,
pp.319-328, 2003.
- 岩崎智昭,岩熊哲夫,小山 茂,複合材料の
pp.273-282, 2002.
- 小山 茂,岩熊哲夫,岩崎智昭,小倉崇生,三井康司,
複合材料と多結晶体の平均的性質,土木学会論文集,No. 661/I-53,
pp.265-272, 2000.
- 後藤文彦,廣瀬克身,菅原紘一,岩熊哲夫,畳み込み積分を
pp.605-614, 1999.
- 白戸真大,岩熊哲夫,微視すべりを組み込んだ構成モデルと
その大変形問題への応用,土木学会論文集,No. 598/I-44,
pp.257-268, 1998.
- 斉木功,後藤文彦,岩熊哲夫,有限回転を許容する
pp.315-322, 1998.
- T. Iwakuma, K. Ikeda and F. Nishino, Consistency
of straight-beam approximation of a thin-walled circular beam,
Computers & Structures, Vol.60, pp.87-93, 1996.
- 小山 茂,岩熊哲夫,堀 宗朗,介在物のある
pp.291-296, 1996.
- 白戸真大,岩熊哲夫,S. Nemat-Nasser,地盤の不安定挙動
pp.317-324, 1996.
- S. C. Lin, C. C. Yang, T. Mura and T. Iwakuma,
Average elastic-plastic behavior of composite materials,
Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol.29, pp.1859-1872, 1992.
- M. Iura and T. Iwakuma, Dynamic analysis of the planar
Timoshenko beam with finite displacement,
Computers & Structures,
Vol.45, pp.173-179, 1992 (Tech. Note).
- T. Iwakuma, Timoshenko beam theory with extension effect
and its stiffness equation for finite rotation,
Computers & Structures, Vol.34, pp.239-250, 1990.
- T. Iwakuma, A. Hasegawa, F. Nishino and S. Kuranishi,
Principle and numerical check of a stiffness equation for plane frames,
Structural Eng./ Earthquake Eng., Vol.4, pp.73s-83s, 1987.
- A. Hasegawa, T. Chaisomphob and T. Iwakuma, An elastic
post-buckling behavior of propped-cantilever column,
Structural Eng./ Earthquake Eng.,
Vol.4, pp.221s-224s, 1987 (Tech. Note).
- A. Hasegawa, T. Iwakuma, K. Liyanage and F. Nishino,
A consistent formulation of trusses and non-warping beams in
linearized finite displacements, Structural Eng./ Earthquake
Eng., Vol.3, pp.477s-480s, 1986 (Tech. Note).
- A. Hasegawa, T. Iwakuma and S. Kuranishi, A linearized
Timoshenko beam theory in finite diplacements,
Structural Eng./ Earthquake Eng., Vol.2, pp.321s-326s, 1985.
- S. Nemat-Nasser and T. Iwakuma, Elastic-plastic composites
at finite strains,
Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol.21, pp.55-65, 1985.
- T. Iwakuma and S. Nemat-Nasser, Finite elastic-plastic
deformation of polycrystalline metals,
Proc. R. Soc. London, Vol.A394, pp.87-119, 1984.
- T. Iwakuma and S. Kuranishi, How much contribution
does the shear deformation have in a beam theory?,
Structural Eng./ Earthquake Eng., Vol.1, pp.103s-113s, 1984.
- T. Iwakuma and S. Nemat-Nasser, Composites with
periodic microstructure, Computers & Structures,
Vol.16, pp.13-19, 1983.
- S. Nemat-Nasser and T. Iwakuma, Finite elastic-plastic
deformation of composites,
Mechanics of Composite Materials -- Recent Advances,
Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Composite Matrials,
Aug.16-19, 1982 (Eds. Z. Hashin and C.T. Herakovich),
pp.47-56, Pergamon Press, New York, 1983.
- T. Iwakuma and S. Nemat-Nasser, An analytical
estimate of shear band initiation in a necked bar,
Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol.18, pp.69-83, 1982.
- S. Nemat-Nasser, T. Iwakuma and M. Hejazi,
On composites with periodic structure,
Mechanics of Materials, Vol.1, pp.239-267, 1982.
- S. Nemat-Nasser, M. M. Mehrabadi and T. Iwakuma,
On certain macroscopic and microscopic aspects of plastic
flow of ductile materials,
Three-Dimensional Constitutive Relations and Ductile Fracture
(Ed. S. Nemat-Nasser), North-Holland Publishing Co., pp.157-172, 1981.
- T. Iwakuma, M. Ai and F. Nishino, On derivation of
Timoshenko beam stiffness equation,
Proc. of JSCE., No.312, pp.119-128, 1981.
- ジョン・ブロックマン編,ふなとよし子訳,
幻冬舎,2008. 出版企画と翻訳補助をし,事実上共訳者であると
- Mechanics of Granular Materials An Introduction,
(分担執筆:2.4節, pp.118-125), (ed.) M. Oda and K. Iwashita,
A.A.Balkema, 1999.
- 岩熊哲夫,古川徹生,スタイルファイル活用法,
UNIX MAGAZINE連載 No.1 - 14,アスキー,Vol.9(3) - 11(4),
- T. Iwakuma and T. Furukawa, A guide to use macros
and style files in LATEX, Minutes and Appendices,
Nederlandstalige TEX Gebruikersgroep, No.13, pp.73-110, 1994.