Evanston and the Suburbs(エバンストンと郊外)around 1980

pin Overview and the Lake

OverviewWinter City of Evanston in 1982 (-26 degrees in F [-32 degrees in C]; windchill -80 degrees in F [-62 degrees in C] at O'Hare), OverviewSummer in Summer, IceOnLake IceAlongShore Lake Michigan in 1982

pin I used to live...

RoomInTheHouse RoomInTheHouse2 with my bicycle, RoomInTheHouse3 with my junk

pin Avenue and Street

Dentist Central 2200, BoyIsWorking Orrington at Simpson, AutumnView Orrington at Lincoln, QuietStreet Orrington near Noyes, IceSkate Temporary Rink at City Park

pin Chicago Northwest

station1 Kenilworth Station, station2 Glencoe Station (クリント・イーストウッド作の「父親たちの星条旗」で 使われた駅)

pin Block Party

BParty BParty2 BParty3 日本ではだんだん廃れつつある風習かな?

pin Bahai Temple in Wilmette

Bahai Bahai2 ..... don't know what it is

Iwakuma Tetsuo
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:59:42 +0900 : Stardate [-27]2359.58